Friday, December 8, 2006

It's my birthday and .....

I don't give a damn :D We are talking about things to do while we're here. I'm not much of a zoo, water park, museum type thing goer, but Carol wants to go to them so I will tag along. I'd much rather wander along the streets, in and out of stores, look at the people, visit with the clerks, paw through and check out all the goods, etc. While Shane and I were out yesterday we passed an Espresso place that had some pastries and things that made your teeth hurt just looking at them. Maybe I could get a lower set of dentures to match the uppers and then they wouldn't mind so much.

One thing I've noticed is that things like the window screens Carol mentioned are just not used here and even with the cool weather all the windows remain open. Things that we take for granted like a Mr. Coffee pot are unknown here. I use a French Press every morning to make coffee and we all know it makes excellent coffee. I just mentioned to Shane we needed to get more coffee and apparently it doesn't come ground in cans like I'm used to. He said a kilo of good coffee costs about $30NZ [~$20USD], so we're going to get some.

The cream here is pasturized, not the Ultra stuff and quite thick. As you use it [for coffee of course] it clots around the rim of the bottle. We buy our milk by the gallon at home and I don't remember seeing gallon jugs of it in the store, but 1 liter jugs. Heck, with cereal I'd use a liter in two mornings. You ought to see the kumara [yams/sweet potatoes] in the store, 3 or 4 different kinds/colors and bins of them. There was one item that looked kind of like an acorn squash and I asked Shane what it was...he gave one of my smart ass answers back to me..."it's a green one." I love these people and it is so much fun to talk and be with them.

Well, I am off to have a natter with Dale, see you later.