Thursday, December 14, 2006

shopping day-Carol


Hi everyone. Had a day of shopping. Shane threatened to lock me in the car or take my purse away. Which would have done no good since Bill has the money. I got a nice silver and abalone bracelet, wrapping paper, bows, face creams and a sweet. I don't think that was to bad. Much better than Bill and Shane getting groceries. Those guys spent 190 New Zealand. Of course 2 bottles of wine were for me. Bill got 2 ice creams. I bought Dale.....and some waffle cones.

Some little midgies are biting Bill and I at night. Mostly on the face and neck. I told him people might think we're bringing them measles or something.

Shane is such a fibber. He gets me everytime. Then I look at him and know I've been taken in again.

The weather is getting warmer. Today was very nice until we got into the car. Then it was hot.

Bill will be fixing tea soon. Don't know what it will be. He and Shane talked about so many things I lost track.

Must call home tonigh and see if Ronnie is home from elk hunting.

Bye for now.