Monday, December 11, 2006

Migraine Day, Carol

What a day. Typed a message and forgot to publish it so now get to redo it.

Slept half the day. Woke with a blinding headache. Ate breakfast and went back to bed. Woke up and went sight seeing and to stores for things I wanted. Found a pashens but couldn't find another I liked. That was a craft store. At home a craft store would have oil paints, beads and what not. Next to the chemists (drug store). Couldn't get my medicine without a prescription. Which I didn't have. Have to wait for my daughter (Crissy or Janis) to mail me some. Then to a cheese store. Ronnie (my husband) would love that. Large wheels of cheese of different kinds and you could taste them. Then to a furniture store. Not your regular furniture store. Hand made things. Found a vase I liked. The man said its bamboo. You cut off the roots and the stem. What is left is a pot bellied vase. Laquered and stained, I supposed. It was a lovely shade of red like cherrywood.

Finally got so ill feeling I had to ask to go home. Took a pain pill and slept for awhile and woke feeling better. Thank goodness.

Also found earrings for Marilee. Will for more later as I'm not sure these are what she wants.

I love everyone. Yes, even you Jean.

A little sightseeing

I added some photos yesterday after our sightseeing trip. In the middle of Auckland are some extinct volcanos. Our trip included a journey to the top of one where as you turned 360 degrees you were still seeing parts of Auckland. Although it is a city of 1 million people it is quite spread out and extends over many miles/kilometers. It's kind of like the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, "water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink." As we drove through neighborhoods, there were many magnificient homes, truly huge and expensive. You were as apt to see an insignificant home cheek by jowl next to it. Shane, Carol and I drove through the country and he pointed out some newly constructed homes that were large and obviously cost lots of $. As in town, there is liable to be what could be considered a shanty on the next lot.

As Shane and I strolled around the property here, he would point out a plant and say it was a noxious weed, tell me what it was and I would say, we put those in pots and grow them as a house plant...Wandering Jew was one of them; another that we plant in our flower gardens was Oxalis [probably spelled that wrong]. I asked him what these cute birds were that are literally all over the place and he said they were Myna birds and a nuisance. Another pretty bird here I wanted a picture of was a Magpie and another nuisance. The have another lovely bird that is an irridescent dark blue, a Paka..something or other [a Swamp Hen] that is about as big as a chicken and I asked him if they were good to eat. He said, "Oh yes, you put them is a large pot, put some stones in the bottom, put the hen in, cover it with water and boil/simmer for an hour or so, throw the hen away and eat the rocks!" If you like eels, there are plenty in the stream that runs through the property. It's a really lovely country and the place here is quite soothing.

While I've been trying to complete this blog entry, first Carol came and started yammering, then Dale came in to join in. I am the type of person that cannot study if music is playing, can't think and type if someone is talking, etc. So, I said, "Why don't you two go into the office and talk while I finish this." Dale said, "Did you just tell me to bugger off?" I said that I had. They have been gone about 2 minutes and I'm done!

See you later.