Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Things Is Lookin' Up

Fredia came home today. The doctor told her, "I can't find anything, so go home!" Typical Roseburg doctors.

Other than that, not much happening except I'm getting antsy. If I pack somethings now and then pack more as I go along I am bound to forget something. If I wait until the day we're leaving Roseburg, I'll remember everything (well, usually anyway). I've got all my bills for December paid except two and will take care of them tomorrow, then nothing to worry about until January.

Do y'all do things like I do? Make lists for everything, i.e., put these and those in this bag; this stuff in that bag; this in my carryon [a list of lists and a list for each thing]. Then you walk out leaving all the lists that you made so you wouldn't forget anything? That's me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lists - the bane of my existance, but...the only way I can operate. Lists AND my timers!!
